Moshi Moshi? AirWaves?

Iceland’s AirWaves festival (17 – 21 October) is going for gold this year, with so many bands you couldn’t fit them in the biggest hot dog bun. That ain’t a bad thing. For example, you have local band Jakobínarína who are now going to be cutting class to perform (they’re still in highschool), and Lali Puna are also going to be distributing morr music. Who wants to hear about Deerhoof, Bloc Party, The Teenagers and err.. Cocktail Vomit?

Maybe later because now.. American readers over 21 with the ability to reach Icelandair gateways at an airport possibly near you, I urge you to start drinking vodka, for it is going to take you places (airWaves, for one). Yep there’s a Reyka vodka contest.

Lali Puna – Left Handed mp3

Jakobínarína – Power To The Lonely mp3

Jakobínarína – This Is An Advertisement

5 thoughts on “Moshi Moshi? AirWaves?

  1. Would you please not mix up Deerhoof with Bloc Party, the Teenagers and the likes? Deerhoof chiar e o trupa interesanta, de extractie Sonic Youth-escă si reverb Xiu Xiu, in timp ce alde ceilalti chiar ca se pot clasa confortabil sub tag-ul “just another band”. In rest, reverente pentru ravisantul blog: ruleaza.

  2. Hello there Frank. I don’t see any liking between the bands being made by me, only comma comma full stop. Listing a couple acts from the festival. (că nu mi-ai dat mail, de parcă eu te spamificam 🙂 : și Bloc Party a început sub auspicii bune, de extracție Lightning Bolt vorba ta, despre Teenagers nu ma zbat, Deerhoof da mișto)

  3. Ok. You like Deerhoof and I like you (at least) for that. Ai si adresa mea de mail (aia pe bune), so please spamk me, I’d love to. Am vazut line-up-ul. GusGus, of Montreal, Lali Puna, Ms John Soda, et alii…ce sa zic altceva decat fuck, yeah!, tres hip and exhilarating, dar unde basca mea sunt the islensk wonder called Slowblow?

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